Our gorgeous client who lost 78kg had some loose skin from the weight loss, which she hated. She was so proud that she had lost so much weight but really wanted to feel confident in her skin again. Her doctor told her that her only option to remove the loose skin was by having surgery…. painful, expensive, invasive & and a long recovery!

That’s where we stepped in!!!
These photos are before and after two Plasma Skin Tightening treatments. Our client is exactly the same weight.
Look how much the skin has lifted and tightened. Look at the difference around her belly button and her “mummy apron” as she calls it.

We are blown away by how much of a difference we have made to our clients body and so bloody happy that she is feeling confident in her body again!
Life changing!!!
Contact the clinic if you would like more info on our amazing Plasma Skin Tightening treatments, or
With minimal downtime and at a fraction of the cost of surgery or constant Botox & fillers.