Dry Skin – How to Spot Skin Dehydration

If you have oily skin, it is easy to assume that it cannot get dehydrated but the reality is that dry skin and dehydrated skin are two separate things.

Dry skin is base skin type but all types of skin can become dehydrated by indoor heating, changing seasons, and the environment. If your skin is feeling particularly oily, it could be a sign that it is dehydrated and has tried replacing the lack of water by increasing the production of oil.

Skin dehydration is something you should combat early on especially in the winder when it can become cracked and sore over time. Itchiness, tightness, and scaly, flaky skin patches can be sign that your skin is dehydrated. Dehydration also makes your skin appear older, making the surface appear rough and dull, and enhances wrinkles.

What Are The Signs Of Skin Dehydration?

1. Tightness

If you feel like your skin is too tight for your face it could be dehydrated. You will feel it particularly after washing your face with an astringent cleanser or after spending a lot of time in a central heated room.

2. Rough Patches

Rough patches on skin and the flakiness associated with them are a clear sign of skin dehydration. You obviously don’t want the after effects of attempting to apply foundation to a flaky forehead, so you better listen to the skin and give it some TLC.

3. Itchiness

Skin itchiness can be yet another sign of dehydration even though it can also be a sign of more serious skin problems. If skin itchiness persists you should see a doctor. Whatever the cause of the itchiness, you must never scratch it since it only makes it sore and harder to heal.

4. Stinging or Tingling

Stinging and tingling are both signs of extreme dehydration. Like itchiness, you should see a doctor if the symptoms persist for over a few days since it could be a more serious issue. It also means that skin is more likely to crack or split and you should thus take care of it.

5. Lines When You Pinch It

A good test for moderate to severe dehydration in the entire body is to pinch the skin on the arm. However, pinching the skin on the face can be a good test for dehydration too. If you pinch a little of your skin and it forms into lines, you have dehydrated skin to deal with. Dehydration ages skin and makes wrinkles appear more pronounced.

The Solution: HYDRATION

Irrespective of your skin type, it is important to use some kind of hydration product to ensure that your skin is always hydrated. If you are worried about breakouts or making your skin oilier, you should consider consulting a dermatologist to find out which type will suit your skin best.

Dehydration of the skin is never something good since all it does is worsen your skin condition. Look out for the signs of dehydration discussed in this article and try to ensure that your skin is always properly hydrated by using the right hydrating products.

If you would like to learn more about your skin concerns, then come and see us in our Buddina Salon where we can create a customized skin solution just for you.